Selected Publications
of Alexander Bukhvalov (not upgraded after 1998)

(a) Books in Economics Published:
  1. V.V.Mednikov, A.V.Bukhvalov, A.O.Slavnova, The Paradigm of Economics Studies in Foreign Universities, St.Petersburg Univ. of Econ. and Finance, 1992. 151 pp. (in Russian)
  2. Aliprantis C.D., Brown D.J., Burkinshaw O. Existence and Optimality of Competitive Equilibria. Moscow: Mir, 1995. 384 pp. - An author of Introduction and editor of the translation into Russian (with V.I.Arkin).
  3. A.V.Bukhvalov, A.V.Idel'son, Guidebook for Financial Calculations. Textbook recommended by the Ministry of Higher Education. - Moscow: Mir, Press-Service, 1997, 176 pp.
(b) Books in Mathematics Published:
  1. The editor and a coauthor in the number of chapters in the following monograph:
    L.V.Kantorovich, G.P.Akilov, Functional Analysis, 2nd rev. ed., Nauka, Moscow, 1977; 3d rev. ed., 1983 (in Russian),
    in particular, see the chapter on the Markov-Kakutani fixed point theorem which is the crucial step of the Arrow-Debreu proof of the existence of general equilibrium.
    The second edition is translated into English, Italian and French:
    L.V.Kantorovich, G.P.Akilov, Functional Analysis, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1982.
    L.V.Kantorovic, G.P.Akilov, Analisi Funzionale, Edizioni Mir - Editori Riunati, Mosca - Roma, 1980.
    L.V.Kantorovitch, G.P.Akilov, Analyse Fonctionelle, Editions Mir, Moscou, 1981. (Tome I: Operateurs et fonctionalles lineaires. Tome II: Equations fonctionalles).
  2. A.V.Bukhvalov, V.B.Korotkov, A.G.Kusraev, S.S.Kutateladze, B.M.Makarov, Vector Lattices and Integral Operators, Nauka, Novosibirsk, 1992. - 214 pp. (in Russian).
  3. Expanded and revised translation of monograph [2] into English: Kluwer Acad. Publishers, 1996, ix+462 pp.
(c) Professional Journal Articles in Economics Published:
The list of publications in Economics contains more than 30 items published mainly in Russian. Selected publications:
  1. Economics of education and education of economists (on the base of FRG experience). Ekonomicheskie Nauki (= Economic Science), (1991), No.2, pp.114-122.
  2. Window on Europe. The School of Economics (1991), issue 1, pp.203-219.
  3. Leonid Kantorovich (Nobel Prize Winners). The School of Economics (1991), issue 1, pp.226-228.
  4. Window on Europe. The School of Economics (1992), issue 2, pp.292-319.
  5. Privatisation in Russia. - Convegno Internazionale: La Privatizzazione: esperienze italiane e straniere, Ordine Dottori Commercialisti del Tribunale di Napoli, 24 ottobre 1992. - 8 pp. (manuscript; in English and Italian).
  6. Economies of Scale in Higher Education Industry. The School of Economics (1993 (1994)), issue 3, pp.91-98.
  7. Economics and Mathematics: Theory, Experience, Teaching. - In: ``Mathematical Methods in Social-Economic Research''. St.Petersburg: Petropolis, 1996, pp.45-60.
  8. A Statistical Model for Required Rate of Return for Futures (with A.Kaplin and A.Pupyshev). - International Conference `Statistical Education in Modern World: Ideas, Orientations, Technologies' / Abstracts. - St.Petersburg, 1996, pp.75-77 (in English).
  9. Methodological Problems of Econometric Analysis. // Academy of Humanities of Russia - St.Petersburg Trade-Union University of Humanities / Notices of Department of Economics, no.4. St.Petersburg, 1997, pp.93-100.
  10. Influence of Legal Regulations of Taxation on Stability of Business (with A.Kosenko). - International Conference `Modern Professional Accountant' / Abstracts. - St.Petersburg, 1998, pp.74-77 (in English).
(d) Book Reviews:
  1. Aliprantis C.D., Brown D.J., Burkinshaw O. Existence and Optimality of Competitive Equilibria: Review. New Books Abroad, Ser. A, (1990), No.4, pp.20-24.
  2. Progress in Inventory Theory, Ed. by Attila Chikan: Review. New Books Abroad, Ser. A, (1991), No.10, pp.32-33.
  3. Adams S. Quick Guide to Financial Formulas for 1-2-3 Users: Review. New Books Abroad (1993), No.1, p.26.
  4. Baily P., Farmer D. Purchasing Principles and Management% Review. New Books Abroad (1993), No.1, pp.26-27.
  5. Aliprantis C.D., Border K. Infinite-dimensional Analysis. Studies in Economic Theory, 4. Mathematical Reviews 96k:46001, (1996), p.6721.
(e) Recent Mass Media Articles in Economics Published:
  1. Saving money at a bank. - Business-Chance, (1996), No.11 (154) (28 March-3 April), p.7. (in Russian)
  2. How to save your dollars? - Business-Chance, (1996), No.15 (158) (25 April-1 May), p.5. (in Russian)
  3. Higher Education of Economics at St.Petersburg. - Business-Chance, (1996), No. 16 (159) (13-19 May), p.10. (in Russian)
  4. Are Russians Different? - Russian Economy. The Month in Review, BOFIT, 8 April (1999), p.4. (in English)
(f) Working Papers in Economics (in English):
  1. (with A.Kaplin) Futures Markets in Russia and Small Financial Businesses.
  2. Banking System and Ownership in Russia.
  3. Financial-Industrial Groups in Russia.
  4. (with V.Okulov) Term Structure of Interest Rate in Russia.
(g) Professional Journal Articles in Mathematics Published:
The list of publications in Functional Analysis contains about 120 items (usually available both in Russian and English). Selected publications:
  1. A.V.Bukhvalov, G.Ya.Lozanovskii, On sets closed with respect to convergence in measure in spaces of measurable functions, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 212 (1973), 1273-1275 = Soviet Math. Dokl. 14 (1973), 1563-1565.
  2. On integral representation of linear operators, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. LOMI 47 (1974), 5-14 = J. Soviet. Math. 9 (1978), No.2, 129-137.
  3. A.V.Bukhvalov, G.Ya.Lozanovskii, On sets closed in measure in spaces of measurable functions, Trudy Moskov. Mat. Ob-va 34 (1977), 129-150 = Trans. Moscow Math. Soc. (1978), issue 2, 127-148.
  4. A.V.Bukhvalov, A.I.Veksler, G.Ya.Lozanovskii, Banach lattices, some Banach aspects of the theory, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 34 (1979), No.2, 137-183 = Russian Math. Surveys 34 (1979), No.2, 159-212.
  5. A.V.Bukhvalov, A.I.Veksler, V.A.Geiler, Normed lattices, in: Developments in Science and Technologie. Mathematical Analysis, vol.18, VINITI, Moscow, 1980, 125-184 = J. Soviet Math. 18 (1982), No.4, 516-551.
  6. A.V.Bukhvalov, A.A.Danilevich, Boundary properties of analytic and harmonic functions with values in Banach space, Mat. Zametki 31 (1982), 203-214 = Math. Notes 31 (1982), 104-110.
  7. Application of methods of the theory of order-bounded operators to the theory of operators in Lp-spaces, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 38 (1983), No.6, 37-83 = Russian Math. Surveys 38 (1983), No.6, 43-98.
  8. Interpolation of generalized Sobolev and Besov spaces with an application to the trace theorem for Sobolev spaces, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 279 (1984), No.6, 1293-1296 = Soviet Math. Dokl. 30 (1984), No.3, 790-793.
  9. Nonlinear majorization of linear operators, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 298 (1988), No.1, 14-17 = Soviet Math. Dokl. 37 (1988), No.1, 4-7.
  10. Order bounded operators in vector lattices and spaces of measurable functions, in: Developments in Science and Technologie. Mathematical Analysis, vol.26, VINITI, Moscow, 1988, 3-63 = J. Soviet Math. 54 (1991), No.5, 1131-1176.
  11. On the analytic Radon-Nikodym property, Semesterbericht Funktionalanalysis Tuebingen, Wintersemester 1988/89, 15 (1989), 43-58.
  12. On the analytic Radon-Nikodym property, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Function Spaces, Poznan 1989. Teubner Texte zur Mathematik 120 (1991), 211-228.
  13. W.Arendt, A.V.Bukhvalov, Integral representations of resolvents and semigroups, Forum Math. 6 (1994), 111-135.
  14. A.A.Basile, A.V.Bukhvalov, M.Ya.Yakubson, The generalized Yosida-Hewitt theorem, Math. Proc. Cambr. Phil. Soc. 116 (1994), 527-533.
  15. Optimization without compactness, and its applications, in: Operator Theory in Function Spaces and Banach Lattices. Essays dedicated to A.C.Zaanen on the occasion of his 80th birthday (Operator Theory. Advances and Applications, vol.75) Basel, Birkhaeuser, 1995, 95-112.
  16. A.A.Basile, A.V.Bukhvalov, On a Unifying Approach to Decomposition Theorems of Yosida-Hewitt Type, Annali di Mat. pura ed appl. (IV), 173 (1997), 107-125.

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